Sunday, January 11, 2009

Schools that Kill

Sorry State of Schools in Nigeria
By Azubike Aliche

When I worked in journalism, we operated on the premises that pictures do not tell lies, and that a good picture tells a story better than a thousand words can do. On the basis of that, I’m saving words for my blog, today, to show pictures of examples of what pass for schools in my native Abia State of Nigeria. The pictures were taken in the last month by Nwaeze Nwachukwu, a Los Angeles, resident who visited Nigeria. Nothing portrays, better than these photos, the objective reality of schools in Nigeria and some other parts of Africa. These are schools that put the health and welfare of our children at risk, as they are put at the mercy of the elements. Pictures like these have spurred me and other like-minded concerned individuals to come together to found the Power Education Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, to raise money and make grants aimed at improving access to early childhood education in Nigeria. Please, visit our website at, to see what we are doing and what you can do to help. Your small tax-deductible donation can make a difference.

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